I've attempted to tell myself that "Yeah, he's terrible, but our institutions are strong" as he's undermined those institutions. I've then fallen back on, "Well, the people he's putting in are only skin deep and there are core elements that won't be affected" to simply watch these governmental agencies hemorrhage career employees.
I then moved onto "Well, at least the press will hold him accountable" only to watch as he works to undermine the credibility of the press.
I then thought "There has to be a bridge too far. He'll have to do something that so abhorrent that even the staunchest of his allies will pull back from him." I know this is a crazy one, but I held out some hope. Only to watch as Republicans stepped in line to back a guy who couldn't quite denounce nazi's.
As I write this the WH is currently flopping around about their defending, maybe not defending, not sure when they didn't or did know that this guy Porter was a serial spouse abuser. Even though it's clear, they knew because they wouldn't give him a security clearance (they generally don't give clearances to people who do shit like that because it can be used as blackmail)
"When you dance with the devil, the devil don't change, the devil changes you..."
I believe when we finally find our way out of this miasic forest of pus and rot, we will have been invariably changed.
We will no longer consider civility as a virtue, but as a weakness. Pluralism will be considered pandering and will be used as pejorative in the same way liberalism is used today.
Any notion that we were a nation that once stood as a beacon for the common good, the rule of law and the pursuit of liberty and justice will die a quiet death, in fact you can argue it's on life support now, with people eagerly grasping the plug.
Thus, I think we are proper fucked.