Monday, May 16, 2011

Cry me a river!

I hope that you, like me were completely disgusted with the performance that the oil companies put on in Washington.  Seriously, they weren't even trying!

Let me get this straight.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are out of work.  Gas is at four dollars a gallon and oil companies are raking in huge profits... Yet those guys argued that cutting the billions of dollars worth of subsidies is un-American?

I REALLY hope that wasn't from a prepared statement... I just would like to hope that they had a Sarah Palin moment and stupid just fell out of their mouth.

Otherwise, what the fuck.  Are they that crass?

Let's not forget that BP wrote off $10 Billion of the money it put aside as a tax credit...That's right... they pollute the shit out of the Gulf and then push a portion of the cleanup on to us...thanks assholes.

Though I suppose you have to see it from their perspective.  They've been on the government dole for so damn long they don't know what it's like not to be partially subsidized by the government.  To them it seems very un-American to take away something that they practically consider their right... namely to fuck us black and blue coming and going.

What's probably even more flabbergasting to them is the notion that for all the money they've spent putting the people into congress who were gonna tow the line have suddenly gotten all independent and starting listening to their constitutes (the voting one's, not the big oil money one's)

All I can say is "Cry me a river!"

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